Log Building Schools & Log Building Suppliers
Log Building Schools & Log Building Suppliers
It wouldn't be Montana without the postcard-perfect log homes you see peppered around the picturesque scenery of this beautiful State. Home buyers fall in love with this style of home, and it's important to know how to maintain these buildings for a long lasting, hassle-free enjoyment.
We have identified a couple of log building schools and log building construction companies from Montana. If you are pursuing the dream of building your own, these companies offer courses and post-course training advice to ensure the craft goes on.
If on the other hand, you're short of time, or woodcraft and carpentry isn't your forte, you can buy the log home shells, and save you some time. It always helps to speak to the experts when choosing your log home, or when having to deal with log home maintenance.

Montana School of Log Building
Three Forks, Montana
Contact: Al Anderson
(406) 285-3488
E-mail: logworker@yahoo.com
Enrol in Al's 5 day log home handcrafting class, or just contact him for log buildings maintenance advice.

Logworks School of Log Building
Heron, Montana
Contact: Steve Frost
(406) 847-1567
Email: logworksschoolofhomebuilding@hotmail.com
Talk to Steve about your purchasing your dream log home, or learn to handcraft your own in Steve's 8 day log-building course.